NOTE TO SELF: When wearing white jeans, always -- ALWAYS -- put the third layer of gauze over the oozing hip wound.
NOTE TO SELF: When wearing white jeans, always -- ALWAYS -- put the third layer of gauze over the oozing hip wound.
Today, in lieu of an update on my life, I will post a list of stupid things non-cyclists have said to me recently. Of course, all you cyclists out there know that non-cyclists say stupid things ALL the time, but going around with visible bandages is (apparently) an open invitation. (Names are changed to protect the innocent.)
Well, ten bucks says that won't actually work -- Mom, I know you're still reading this, but the disclaimer makes it no longer my fault if you find out things you didn't want to know.
Check this out. I mean, I had some crazy last-day-of school schemes when I was a kid, but a) I never carried any of them out, and b) it takes a twisted little shit to even think of this one, let alone do it. Sign of the apocalypse? You decide.
DEAR LORD. TALKING BATHROOM LADY JUST WALKED IN THE BACK DOOR OF OUR OFFICE AND STARTED TALKING TO ME. Fortunately she was looking for the co-worker I mentioned in my first TBL post, the one who recently had the baby, and so she didn't spend a significant amount of time in my doorway, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I thought I was safe in here! We'll have to start locking the doors. (She left again, thwarted, as the co-worker in question managed ONCE AGAIN to successfully avoid her. Wish I knew the secret.)
As an update to my 7/22 popping-back post, I checked with a couple other co-workers this morning, and while nobody else's back is quite as noisy as mine, everybody else hurts constantly too. Now, there probably aren't too many bike-racin' paralegals named Annie in the twin cities area, so I'm going to post about this topic as little as possible, but is constant pain a good reason to start looking for a new job? Surely there are paralegal jobs where you get to move around a little more than this, and possibly also talk to people (I currently spend all my time trapped in front of my computer), without sacrificing my flexible hours and jeans-and-flip-flops dress code? Is that too much to ask?
Nate hates the word "blog." He thinks it sounds like a vomiting noise. Which I guess it does. BLOG! It's rather appropriate, too, since a blog is a place to spew out whatever random thoughts you might have in one big mixed-up, half-digested puddle. So this, of course, makes "blog" into my very favorite high-school English vocabulary word: onamatopoeia. BLOG!
It can't possibly be a good thing when a loud popping noise comes from somewhere in my spine every time I take a step. I don't know what it means, but it's making walking from one end of the office to the other somewhat embarrassing. All day yesterday and all day today. Can't be good.
Through a long, strange chain of internet surfing, I recently found myself reading the blogs of Christian housewives. These are not your ordinary, garden-variety Christians; these are the women that firmly believe that because they are female, it is a sin to have a job. (I kind of wish it was a sin for me to have a job, actually. As it is, not having a job would make me "lazy," not "godly." Maybe I'll convert.) Anyway, the blog that drew me in the most was one called Biblical Womanhood, which is presently engaged in a roaring debate over whether the author is "acting independently of her husband" or not. The author is all in a tizzy about being accused of such a horrible thing, and is desperately seeking as many opinions as she can of whether people have seen her thinking or acting for herself, because she certainly has not meant to do so!
My Salsa is here! I spent at least two hours at the shop today getting it fitted and built, and now it's sitting in my living room. It's crazy light. I can't wait to ride it for more than five minutes. It's also the Skittles bike because it's already black and white with red, yellow, and green accents, and now it has the blue bar tape and bottle cages from the GT. Taste the rainbow...
I figure if Gilby can post about her vibrators all the time, I can at least put this, since I didn't even make it up, I just got it as an email forward!
When I started this blog, the template automatically included a link for "wish list." I thought that was rather presumptuous, publishing my materialistic desires for the whole world to see, and I still think leaving such a thing up there year-round would be rude, but the countdown to my birthday (quarter century, AGH!) is now exactly 28 days and I just found this today. It's much cheaper than the bike I was asking y'all for the other day! Pleeeeeeeeeease?
I currently share an office with the law clerk here, and just now she came back into the office after about a thirty-second absence, having gone out into the hallway and seen Talking Bathroom Lady on her way to the bathroom. TBL said, as she is wont to do, "HI THERE! HOW'S IT GOING!" (I could hear her from in here), and my office-mate turned right back around and ran back in here rather than go into the bathroom with her. She says: "I can hold it." Then, after thinking about it for a while: "She doesn't know WHY I went into the hallway, after all. I could have been.... uh...."
Well, I guess I was supposed to post my sob story a whole week ago, but I was using all my slacker-breaks at work to research framesets. So if I was keeping any of you in suspense, I'm sorry... here it is...
Holy crap but it's hot out there. 97 degrees and counting. Then when you add the way heat radiates back up from asphalt, it is hotter than a brass monkey's balls. (I know that's a winter expression, but imagine, if you will, leaving a brass monkey out in the sun for a few hours on a day like this. See?) I'm not sure riding my bike today was a good idea. You know what I'm glad I'm not doing? RAGBRAI. That would suck.
Since Anna refuses to get her own blog, I guess I will have to post this for her. Watch out, this site makes noise. Don't open it at work!
Part of the hellishness of the office park my firm is located in, besides it being a dirty ghetto building just off the interstate that gets broken into on a regular basis, is that the bathrooms are not exclusive to me and my co-workers. Not that I'm a snob, or a misanthrope, or any of those bad things. Certainly not me. And yet......
Bob Roll just referred to the TdF peloton as a "seething mass of lunatics," then within three minutes said bike racing was "a beautiful analogy to everyday life." You do the math.
If anybody out there was not yet convinced that Wal-Mart is evil, read this. Yeah, we have one of these cases. Beware the "stacker stores!" If you walk into a store and see boxes near the ceiling, run for your life......
One of my primary duties at the law firm where I work is to put together "demand packages," which are six-inch-thick envelopes full of evidence demonstrating a) that the defendant is at fault, and b) that our client is significantly injured. This is mailed to the defendant's insurance carrier with a long, overwrought cover letter detailing how YOUR INSURED has RUINED our client's life(!) and the DIMINUTIVE coverage your policy affords your EVIL insured can NEVER be enough to compensate for our client's RUINED LIFE(!), but we promise we will go away and not SUE YOUR ASS OFF if you give us all the money RIGHT NOW(!!). I get to write these letters, and it's kind of fun. I get to use the soap-opera language professors never approved of. As an example, here is a direct quote from an actual demand letter I wrote: "Once she got out of the car she stumbled around in a frantic daze, with blood running down her neck and soaking her shirt, only sitting down after a couple in another vehicle pulled over and tried to help her." Does that deserve a place in the Dark and Stormy Night compilation or what?
Earlier this weekend I tried to post some pictures, but Safari shut down every time I tried to upload the pics and Explorer wouldn't even show the picture-posting button, so I gave up. Now I'm trying again on a different computer. The pictures are from Sunday - Nate and I went with Nate's friend Jason to one of the lakes to go kayaking. Dylan went in the kayak once, but he wasn't a big fan of it. It didn't last long.
From the Rake, the shinier of the two local lefty publications:
During the month of July, Coldstone Creamery will apparently be serving wasabi ice cream. No one in the world but me and Nate will possibly care about this, but here is the link anyway.
So now I have a blog. Ten bucks says I'll post on it five times and get bored.