
yeah, still got nothin'

Well, you were supposed to get a race report this morning, but tough tortillas, suckers, it rained. I skipped Opus this week with the intention of racing at the velodrome on opening night. That was last night, and I did indeed go.

But first I went to Culver's, because I really wanted a frozen lemonade, and once I got back into my car with lemonade in hand, the first thing I did was back straight into a parked car. Damn, I'm good. My defense is that the rainstorm was moving in so the sky was dark gray, and the Suburban I backed into was also dark gray. The good news is that I picked a giant fucking tank to hit, so nothing happened to it; the bad news is that my car is not a tank and now my taillight is all bashed in. The other bad news is that apparently I was a better driver when I was 16 than I am now.

Then I went to the track, got dressed, got registered, got my bike, and got rained on. After standing around for fifteen minutes or so it was officially called off, because unlike road racing, you really can't race on the track when it's raining. The wood gets too slippery to be safe. So I took off my helmet and wandered over to where Gilby and Andy and Smithers were standing around talking. It all looked very innocent, but too late I realized that Smithers was not as innocent as he seemed -- he was mid-audioblog, and it was too late to escape. So my ten seconds of fame can be heard here.

And then I went home. What an exciting day.


Blogger Gilby said...

"Frozen lemonade"? I think Annie was drinkin' and drivin'...

5/19/2006 9:44 AM  
Blogger annie said...

Yeah, that Culver's, they've sure spiced up their offerings since the last time I was there.

5/19/2006 10:47 AM  
Blogger Eclectchick said...

So, how was the lemonade? Worth the mashed tail light?

5/19/2006 12:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Whats up????...... that fender bender give you writers block:)


5/23/2006 7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed. Your Faithful Minions (tm) await...

5/23/2006 11:29 AM  
Blogger annie said...

Man, you guys are demanding....

5/23/2006 12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what's the damn holdup?

5/23/2006 2:26 PM  

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