help me, i'm scared
Folks, I am about to go to the dentist for the first time in at least five years. I've never been scared of the dentist before, but this time I am. Place your bets as to the exact number of cavities I have. First person to guess correctly gets a prize!
We need to know more! Do you brush twice a day? Floss? Regular toothbrush or power? What kind of toothpaste?
In the absence of this info, I'll be optimistic and guess zero.
plus the hygienist is going to make you feel like a bad person
they always do though, even if you go regularly
Well, I am back, and the verdict is in, but I'm going to wait for some more guesses before I reveal my secret!
Pete: twice, no, regular, Tom's of Maine.
And what, pray tell, is half a cavity? Is it when you have an old filling that's falling apart and needs to be replaced? Because I was thinking about this, not to give anything away or anything, and I was thinking that it is not actually a cavity so it doesn't count, but for my purposes (i.e. being miserable in the chair) it might as well be one. Please enlighten me...
full dentures?
You know I've got a stellar oral surgeon!
I am guessing one cavity for each year, so 5 cavities. If this holds true for me, my teeth will look like Swiss cheese.
So -- How many teeth do you have?
I say 1 cavity.
Nine? Dang, Chris, I do know what toothpaste is! But I was certainly expecting worse than what I actually had, which was....
ONE! Shawn wins! Shawn wins!
Shawn, I haven't actually thought of a prize for this, so if you have any ideas let me know. Maybe you can send me a photo of your choosing and I'll post it, or (and this one could be even more dangerous) you can pick the topic of my next post.... ask a question, any question....
Aim high! I went about four years without going to the dentist and had nine cavities, and I brish twice daile, too. But they were all the same cavity, just kind of rimming the gum line. No real drilling needed, just scraping and such.
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